Where, oh where has The Girl been? On the roller coaster....
Up: She threw a birthday bash for The Boy. What fun! Most of their friends came to watch him turn 40. (40? Has it been that long? She remembers when he was a child, now his hair is falling out. She loves to trace the time across his face. He wears the weary world well.) Everyone had fun. They danced and ate and drank. Celebrate The Boy!
Down: Her uncle died. It is surreal, because he was so young. She talked to him on Monday. He died on Thursday. He was here and now he is gone. Why does She still feel his presence?
Where do we go? Will we see one another again? She believes that we all come back. We do this again and again until we get it right. Until all of our loved ones get it right. What lesson did Uncle Dutch teach us? What lesson did we teach him? Did we get it right? Are we done? Deja vu...All over again.
Up: She and the Boy went to Savannah. Beautiful. Spring everywhere. Flowers in trees and on shrubs and in beds and growing wild. Savannah is slow and so they slowed down to keep up. She and the Boy walked everywhere. They talked. They talked over southern fried dinners. They talked over grave stones in ancient elaborate cemeteries. They talked over glasses of wine in manicured parks. They talked on the porches of antebellum mansions. And when they were done talking they sat in silence. The peaceful quiet space between them communicating as much as all the chatter ever did. They ate too much and drank too much. The Girl loves the Boy. The feeling was amplified over the backdrop of Savannah.
Down: Spring brings sickness. The Girl had 2 asthma attacks and was on steroids for 3 weeks. She is sick of being sick: coughing and choking, every breath a struggle as it rattles to the surface and wheezes it's way back in. Rattle, wheeze, cough.
She is better now. And despite all of the ups and downs, The Girl is happy.