The Girl isn't feeling well. Funny...Spring which brings with it the promise of so many things also brings with it stuffed up heads, runny noses, headaches, and a hacking cough. Pollen, it's for the bees. She is tired of being tired.
The Girl isn't working today. Her job requires all of her and right now, she isn't all here. She will see the doctor later. Now she is sleeping.
The Boy went out of town this weekend. Some sporting event called him away. The Girl stayed home and slept. She has been sleeping on the couch all week, because she is ill. She misses The Boy: misses talking to him; misses him sleeping in the bed beside her; misses having dinner with him.
Next weekend, they are going camping. They have already reserved a site near a river fed by a spring. Hopefully, the weather will be mild. If so, The Girl will go swimming. She enjoys the shock of the cold springs and the warmth of drying out again. They are renting a canoe. It will be fun to be in the sun, in the water. Maybe they will take the camera. The Boy is an excellent photographer. They are definitely not taking a TV and no phone. That means time to read and to think. She is looking forward to the trip.