The Girl is happy. Life has been pulling her in every direction, but She finally has a moment to herself.
Not that She wasn’t happy when life had her in its clutching grasp.
Seamus and Gabe decided to close the club. The police were becoming much too curious since Fat Bob cashed in his chips. As one last hurrah, they decided to throw a Halloween party.
Halloween is The Girl’s favorite holiday. She loves slipping into some other skin, pretending to be a witch or an angel or a demon. She loves celebrating the coming of winter. She feels blessed by taking part in the rituals of some long forgotten god. In her most secret heart, she is a pagan.
The Girl spent a week preparing for the Night. She dyed a column dress grass green. Tying a darker green cord around her waist and crossing it between her breasts, she looked like a Greek goddess. She sewed ribbon roses randomly about the front of the gown. A border of rosettes encircled the hem. The Girl manufactured a white picket fence crown. She tied her hair into knots and painted them red. Little butterflies lighted in her hair. Her sandals sported large roses and a ladybug. She doused herself in rose perfume. No one ever promised you a Rose Garden, but sometimes you get lucky!
All the work was worth it. Seamus and Gabe flung quiet a fling. Everyone made an appearance. Nova and Cy were, appropriately, Austin Powers and Dr. Evil, baby. And starring as Glenda the Good Witch: Coco, in his 6’4”, pink organza splendor. Able donned a habit as the very pregnant Sister Mary Ignoramus. Sean and Luke pimped out in big ‘fros, velvet suits, platform shoes, walking canes, and serious shades. Harley, very hot in dominatrix boots and something resembling a tiny police uniform, kept David, in an orange jumpsuit and leg irons, on a short leash. Frankie, Pinkie, Scott, Jimmy, Seamus and Gabe, The Boy and at least 60 other guest danced and drank and ate and played dress up all night long.
There is something very romantic about a room full of adults in masks playing charades. The Girl loves Halloween. Perhaps, because of this, the Girl is going to Hell. Until then, The Girl is happy.